Terms & Conditions
Termly Payment:
All fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable. Please be aware that once you book your child/children by term booking which is 6-12 weeks, your child/children are expected to attend each session. No refund will be given if your child/children decide to not attend anymore unless it is for medical reasons. A doctor's note is needed to verify this.
Monthly Subscription:
Please be aware that you must notify us if your child is not attending our club anymore and you would like to cancel the subscription. Fees are not refundable for any Classes missed If you fail to do so, the subscription will continue until you notify us in writing. Please contact us at office@cruzsportscoaching.co.uk
Cruz shall have absolute discretion to cancel the subscription with any Parent for any reason. Cruz will accept no responsibility for loss or damage arising from such cancellation.
PPA cover, lunchtime, before and after school sessions etc must be paid termly through the classforkids system. Holiday and weekend club payments must be given in full at the beginning of service or by prior agreement i.e. weekly.
All cheques must be made out to CRUZ SPORTS COACHING LIMITED and contain the booking form.
Any reduced costs on services due to a special offer will expire on a given date and revert to the standard service fee. We cannot offer the reduced price after the set expiry date.
Registration and Bookings
Bookings can be made either by:
- Online
- Email,
- Mail,
- Telephone, or
- In person.
Application/booking forms must be filled out and returned to a member of staff before the commencement of a club/service. Application/booking forms are available on request via email, telephone or in-person from a member of CSC or school staff. You will be notified if your booking cannot be accepted for any reason.
Cruz reserves the right to cancel or postpone any session for any reason. In the event of which an alternative session will be offered in lieu or a full refund will be issued.
If a child is no longer able to participate in a Cruz service due to illness or injury a refund may be issued at Cruz's discretion upon receipt of GP/hospital letter confirming illness or injury.
- Parents or children who decide that they no longer want to participate in our service after two sessions of becoming a member or during the term will be entitled to a refund for the remaining lessons of the term. If you fail to let us know that your child/children are no longer attending the session before the third session date, you will not be entitled to a refund for the remaining lessons of the term. Even if your child/children did not attend any more sessions after the first two sessions with us, you must notify us before the next scheduled session. Fees are not refundable for any classes missed.
- Those who have a holiday schedule. We mainly run our classes during term time. This allows parents to be more flexible during the holidays.
If schools need to cancel or amend a booking, CSC requires notice in writing up to 5 working days before the course commences. Refunds may be issued at CSC's discretion. No refunds will be made after this time for cancellations, amendments, or missed days.
Venue Policy:
Cruz Sports Coaching strives to provide consistent and high-quality sports club sessions. We currently operate at the following venues:
- Wren Academy Barnet/Enfield
- South Chingford Foundation School
- Chigwell School
- New City Fitness Epping
- Goffs Academy
- Alexandra Park School
- St Ignatius College
Please be aware that some of these venues, particularly those located in schools, may become unavailable to us during exam periods, typically in the winter and summer months. This is a common situation for community sports clubs that utilize school facilities.
Our Commitment:
During exam periods, Cruz Sports Coaching will make every reasonable effort to secure suitable alternative venues in the local area. Our goal is to minimize disruption and avoid session cancellations whenever possible. We understand that alternative locations may not be as convenient for all members, and we appreciate your flexibility and understanding in these circumstances. Securing alternative venues often involves additional costs for our organisation.
Alternative Venue Arrangements:
If we are able to secure an alternative venue, sessions will proceed as scheduled. In this instance, refunds or credits will not be issued for sessions held at the alternative location, even if it is further away than your usual venue. This policy is in place because we have incurred costs to secure the alternative venue and are providing the service as agreed. It is important to note that termly fees are calculated based on the total number of sessions offered in the term, not the specific venue.
Temporary Venue Transfer Option:
If you find the alternative venue too far to travel, we offer the following option:
- Temporary Transfer: You may temporarily attend sessions at one of our other available permanent venues during the exam period. Availability is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact us at least (office@cruzsportscoaching.co.uk) weeks in advance of the exam period to inquire about temporary transfer availability. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee a spot at another venue.
Session Cancellations:
In the rare event that we are unable to secure a suitable alternative venue and a session must be cancelled, affected members will be notified as soon as possible and offered a credit towards future sessions or a refund for the cancelled session only.
We will communicate any venue changes or cancellations as promptly as possible via [Communication methods, e.g., Classforkids email system, website, social media]. Please ensure your contact information is up-to-date to receive these notifications.
Addressing Member Concerns:
We understand that venue changes can be inconvenient. We encourage open communication and welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about venue changes, please contact us directly at office@cruzsportscoaching.co.uk.
Hot Weather Policy
The risk of heat-related illness from vigorous sports activity increases with the temperature. The body generates heat which cannot be dissipated readily when the ambient temperature exceeds 30c, depending upon the humidity. Hot weather is considered at any point where the Heat Index reaches or exceeds 32. Coaches should follow the following procedures based on conditions:
- Heat Index up to 31°: Normal Play. Regular hydration patterns
- Heat index of 32°- 35°: Mandatory water breaks every 20 minutes
- Heat index of 36°-38°: Mandatory water breaks every 15 minutes
- Heat index over 40° (at start of training): All outside activities cancelled
Cold Weather Policy
Players are more susceptible to injuries during cold weather, particularly from pulled or torn muscles. Players should be encouraged to wear appropriate clothing to aid body heat retention yet afford adequate movement without creating a safety hazard. As a general rule, training programs will be cancelled or moved inside a classroom if the projected temperature (including wind chill) at the start of training is projected to be below -4 degrees.
Inclement Weather Policy
Rain: All outdoor basketball sessions will be played during rain unless the floor is deemed unplayable and closed by Cruz Sports Coaching/School. again the last resort will be to cancel the session. If the school allow us to move to a classroom, the participants can still learn about the game of basketball by watching basketball training videos and basketball quizzes. Playing inside the classroom is forbidden. If there is for some reason we can not get access to a classroom, the last thing I will be cancelling the session either, before or during the session. We do not offer refunds for cancelled sessions due to the weather as do not control the weather. The school don't offer us a refund for sessions not completed because of the weather. We only give refund or credit sessions cancelled by us due to personal reasons.
Thunder/Lightning: If we see or hear a thunderstorm coming, immediately suspend a session and instruct everyone to go inside the school building. Inside the school building is the safest place to be the steel frame of the vehicle provides some protection if you are not touching metal. The basketball club will resume 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or flash of lightning. If it is really heavy rain and we cannot get inside a classroom, we ask that parents stay close by if the training session is cancelled.
Parent Alerts for training: We will try to keep you posted before 3pm each session if the weather has impacted the training schedule for the evening ahead. We will update parents by email or WhatsApp.
Code of Conduct
Children are asked to comply with the CSC code of conduct. This is available from coaches and explains what unacceptable behaviour is. Children who act inappropriately will be disciplined by talking to them so that they can understand why their behaviour is unacceptable. To ensure the safety of all the children and staff incidents of bad behaviour will be recorded and parents/guardians advised. Three incidents of inappropriate behaviour is likely to result in the termination of membership. Serious incidents involving danger to others will result in immediate termination of membership.
We will not tolerate any of the following behaviours:
- Aggressive behaviour towards other children or staff,
- Leaving the site unsupervised,
- Physical or verbal bullying,
- Swearing, Bad Languages
- All forms of discrimination
- Damage sports equipment and any of our premises we use to deliver our sports club
- Damage or vandalism to our premises during the times we hire the facilities.
Maximum Numbers
The number of children permitted to attend CSC clubs/services is restricted by the facilities available and the number of staff employed. Where the number of children requiring club places exceeds the authorised limit the allocation of placements will be made on a first come first served basis.
We ask that children be dropped off and picked up punctually by an authorised adult. CSC must be informed in writing if a different adult is collecting a child other than those on the original enrolment form. Identification will be required. If the person collecting the child/children is UNAVOIDABLY DELAYED they must inform the CSC on the telephone number supplied. If a child has not been collected by the specified time parents/guardians will be charged £10 per 15 minutes, per child. Should the child still not have been collected by 1 hour later (and parent/guardians still have not been in touch with CSC staff) the matter will be brought to the attention of the Police.
CSC can provide the promotional material for advertising the sports clubs in your school. Charges will be applied to schools when necessary.
If children, parents/guardians or school staff have any comments or suggestions about our services, please contact us. If necessary a meeting will be arranged to discuss/resolve the matter.
Health and Safety
It is our policy to encourage ways of working that will create a safe and healthy environment for children, employees and all other persons who enter the premises during our hours of operation. The Managing Director is responsible for making sure that matters of concern brought to the attention of CSC staff are dealt with by the owners of the relevant premises.
All persons coming onto the premises have a responsibility to conduct themselves in such a manner that they will ensure the health and safety of themselves and others they come into contact with. All staff are responsible for working in such a way as to ensure their safety, the safety of the children and others with whom they come into contact. If a child becomes sick during their time with us we may, if appropriate, call NHS Direct for advice.
Child Protection
Cruz Sports Coaching respects confidentiality. However, as child carers, we have a clear responsibility to work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. As a result, if concerns are raised with CSC, we cannot guarantee confidentiality and concerns may have to be reported to Social Services. All CSC coaches are approved and police are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Photographs of children may be taken and used to promote CSC. No unauthorised photography is allowed. We will not permit photographs of children to be used without the consent of the parents or guardians of the child.
Cruz Sports Coaching LIMITED does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to personal property or the premises we hire if the damage is caused by our users or members. Parents and guardians will be responsible for any damages incurred by participants while utilising the premises that we have rented.
Equal Opportunities
We recognise that certain groups and individuals in our society are discriminated against because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, gender, physical, sensory or mental disability. Accordingly, we are strongly committed to positive action to remove and/or counter discrimination in all aspects of our work with children, schools, families and the community. Language or behaviour designed to be offensive to individuals or groups of people is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.